
StatLink automates data acquisition from disparate sources and maintains a consistent, live enterprise database. This enables users to spend time adding value, not managing data.

red-09The increasing number of sources feeding data to the global natural gas and power industry means inefficiencies associated with the manual collection and organization of information are having a greater impact on competitiveness. Real-time data is essential, but can be tedious, costly and error prone to collect and organise manually.


Features include:

  • Maintenance of a consistent, live, database.
  • Contains european gas and power flow data; LNG, storage, linepack, capacity, supply and demand data
  • Outage data for power generation and gas exploration
  • Live data, upon publication and historic data available
  • Infers unpublished data points, calculates aggregate values and handles unit conversion, enabling uniform data output
  • Data search tool can locate by content, item name, country and raw dataset
  • Customisable units, granularity, data types.
  • Email and desktop alerts and data monitoring.
  • Year-on-year statistical analysis and inbuilt charting.
  • Accessible data formats such as; Excel, web API, JSON, XML, CSV and Python.
  • Live Excel feed using Excel add-in tool or direct downloads from dashboard
  • Custom data sources