
Innovez supports energy trading companies globally, with expertise borne from experience.

With a sole focus on energy trading technology, Innovez has successfully supported wholesale energy trading companies for over 20 years via design and development of business critical IT solutions. Our systems cover front to back office and operational requirements. Consistent year on year growth and now with a second office in Europe, Innovez is well resourced to provide ongoing support for our systems into the future.

My Foundation

Innovez was founded by Aidan Gibson in 2004 having previously worked as CTO at EDF Trading, CIO at Dynegy Europe and Head of Development at Accord Energy. A Cambridge University Computer Science graduate with over 30 years’ experience building a full range of systems in the energy industry, Aidan saw the need for intuitive, cost effective industry software, capable of evolving with ever changing market requirements and regulations.

Our Expansion

With our expansion into Europe, Innovez now employs over 30 qualified developers between its offices in West London and Zagreb, Croatia. The companies our teams have worked with and the range of solutions we have provided has led to a detailed understanding of the European energy markets. This knowledge has enabled us to provide clients of all sizes across the world with software for the full energy trading life cycle.

Your Innovation

Innovez now has established services ready to be built upon or pared back to suit any client. Our team of developers and consultants are equipped to deliver on quick fixes such as live VaR, PnLs, positions and risk positions up to larger products like a full data collection system or trading platforms; all in concert with a client’s specified requirements.